How to join list ?

Bernd Lehle (Bernd.Lehle@RUS.Uni-Stuttgart.DE)
Tue, 18 Apr 1995 18:06:39 +0200 (MDT)

Dear List-Members,

could anybody of You please explain me, how to become a participant
of this list.
The standard way, sending mail to, is answered by
majordomo, telling me to wait for human approval which then never
happens. I tried this twice in the last two months.

Can I reach the list-owner directly or is there a secret clue to get
on the list ?

Thank You very much and excuse the off-topic mail

>   Bernd Lehle alias Wolfskin - Born to be wild   *  A supercomputer    < 
>  Stuttgart University Computing Center Helpdesk  *  is a machine that  <
>       e-mail:         *  runs an endless    < 
>  Tel:+49-711-685-4828, private: +49-711-6874428  *  loop in 2 seconds. <